XDevPod Apps Loyalty Discount
Our investment in apps will continue to grow, so our pricing may change.
However, in order to provide our customers with clear pricing expectations:
We will ensure that the cost for all apps customers remains the same at the initial price.
Since the current billing system does not allow us to lock in long term pricing, we will make sure that the customers' price stay the same by sending them a promo code.
Here are the rules for loyalty discount:
Who: All XDevPod Apps customers.
What: The customers can enjoy a special discount when renewing their subscription to ensure that the renewal price is not higher than the previous subscription price.
Duration: No expiration date.
How to participate: The customers can renew their subscription directly when the price of the app does not change. When the price of the app changes, if the customers find the current renewal price higher than the previous subscription price before renewing their subscription, please submit the Support entitlement number of the previous subscription through the discount application portal, and we will calculate the discount rate based on the price difference and send a promo code for the customers.
If a customer's subscription renewal is interrupted, the discount will not be available.
If the customer's number of users increases, the discount will ensure that the unit price per user is not higher than the unit price per user of the previous subscription.
If the customer's number of users decreases, the discount will ensure that the total cost is no higher than the total cost of the previous subscription.
If the customer's payment cycle changes from monthly to annual, the discount will ensure that the customer's annual cost is no more than 10 times the monthly cost of the previous subscription.
If the customer's payment cycle is switched from annual to monthly, the discount will ensure that the customer's monthly cost will not be higher than 10% of the annual cost of the previous subscription.
This discount is not stackable with other promotional offers.
Thank you for your support and we will continue to strive to provide you with a better service experience!
The final interpretation of this event belongs to XDevPod.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email.