

To find more information and purchase Training Quizzes for Confluence, visit the Atlassian Marketplace. You can also view our documentation to help you get started.

To install Training Quizzes for Confluence, follow these steps: 

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Click Find new apps within the Apps menu on the top navigation bar.

  3. Locate Training Quizzes for Confluence via search. 
    The appropriate app version appears in the search results.

  4. Click Try it Free to begin a new 30 day trial.
    Note that the info icon beneath this button highlights the end date of the free trial along with some pricing information.

  5. On the Add to Confluence screen, click Start free trial
    A message displays to inform you of the status of the free trial installation followed by a 'Success' message once complete. 

  6. Click Manage apps to view full trial details.

  7. Click Get Started to begin using the app.